In the first quarter of 2023, demo farms from 8 Regenerative Agriculture & Climate Mitigation (RAC) Program partners were established.
These partners include the Hawaiian-Philippine Company (HPCo), Cooper Reata Agricultural Corp, John Paul Gamboa, Chona Flores, Nemesio dela Cruz, Lopez Mill District Development Council (MDDC), Cadiz Agro. Inc, and Victorias Milling Company (VMC).
RAC Agriculturist Rhyan Clyde Dairo measures the tillage for planting.
Two techniques – green manuring and minimum tillage – were applied by each partner, with 1 demo farm allocated per technique. Green manuring aims for soil enhancement while minimum tillage targets increased water holding capacity. Out of the 8 demo farms, 5 partners (Cooper, Cadiz Agro, Lopez MDDC, N. dela Cruz, and J. Gamboa) have practiced green manuring. The imported mung bean varieties from Myanmar and Argentina were purchased from the local market. No significant difference between the 2 varieties is anticipated.
On the other hand, the demo farm for minimum tillage was participated by 5 out of 8 partners, namely HPCo, C. Flores, N. dela Cruz, Lopez MDDC, and Cadiz Agro Inc. All fields presented with baseline soil analysis results and completed sugarcane planting. With RAC’s support, C. Flores accessed 10 lacsas of HYV (high-yield variety) Phil2006-2289 from VMC, while the rest of the partners used their existing HYVs for their demo farms. The RAC collaborated with the mills and the Sugar Regulatory Administration for the access of HYV.
The growth of Lopez MDDC mung beans.
Consistent field visits and GPS mapping of demo farms were done. Farm-site coaching on soil sampling, trash farming method, correct use of farm implements and planting distance methods were conducted, guiding the partners’ farm managers on demo farm operations. Demonstrations and monitoring were done to further equip the encargados of the demo farms.
The partners likewise are continuously receiving financial, technical and materials support for the demo farms.