The SIFI Regenerative Agriculture and Climate Mitigation Program (RAC) imparts their 2022 Third Quarter Highlights.
The SIFI-RAC Program aims for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in sugarcane production that will bring benefits to the farmer, environment and society.
The RAC’s agriculturists developed demo farm protocols for Crop Rotation that include improving organic matter and soil pH by rehabilitating soil for additional income to farmers.
A prototype of a soil tilling machine.
From July to September 2022, the SIFI-RAC Program constantly improved their strategies and approaches. Development, reproduction, and distribution of learning aids were done to further assist trainings and field demonstrations in planting Mung Beans for the Green Manure Demo Farms.
Tarpaulin as learning aids for demo farm techniques.
With this, the SIFI-RAC Program continues regular feedbacking and consultations not only with partners and workers, but also with PROFOREST Malaysia.