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To evaluate the activities in 2023 and prepare for what is in store for 2024, the Sugar Industry Foundation, Inc. (SIFI) held its annual budget planning and project assessment in Luzon and Visayas.

The Visayas Regional Office assembled at Manggapuri Villas in Don Salvador Benedicto on November 30 to December 1, while on December 11-12, the Luzon-Mindanao Regional Office gathered at the SIFI Head Office, Makati City.

SIFI President and COO Edith Y. Villanueva uplifted the staff, saying that each one is a gift to one another and that the world needs all the good that they can do to fulfill their purpose for the sugar industry. She also reminded the team to be adaptable in adversities so that everyone may be able to learn new things and unlearn negativity in the process.

The project officers for Education, Health, Livelihood, and Advocacy presented their 2023 activities and accomplishments. The RSS and RAC Programs of the SIFI Special Projects also presented their progress and achievements in the past year.

The team collectively gave feedback for the recent activities. Suggestions and innovations were raised most especially for the proposed 2024 activities.

SIFI remains to be imbibed by the vision of having a stable and self-reliant sugar producing and milling communities.

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