50 beneficiaries who are now all smiles, benefited from the Dental Mission conducted by the Sugar Industry Foundation, Inc. (SIFI) together with Dr. Vangie Maria N. De Guzman at the URC Compound in Balayan, Batangas last March 6-9, 2022.
Spearheaded by South Luzon Project Officer John Cena in partnership with URC-SURE Balayan, this was the first Dental Mission conducted by SIFI since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. All beneficiaries underwent dental check-up and tooth extraction.
Community restrictions may be easing up and alert levels may be going down all over the country but SIFI’s health pillar will never take the health and safety of its beneficiaries for granted.

The distributions benefited family members from the Municipality of E.B. Magalona, Silay City, La Carlota City in Negros Occidental; Passi City in Iloilo; Municipality of Balayan in Batangas, and Quezon in Bukidnon.
The distribution events were conducted in partnership with Simag Foundation Inc./AHSSI Planters Multi-Purpose Cooperative, URC – La Carlota, Hawaiian Philippine Company (HPCo), URC – Passi, First Farmers Association (FFA) who also gave out 5 kilos of rice to each household, URC-SURE Balayan, Batangas Sugar Planters Cooperative Marketing Association (BSPCMA), Asociacion De Agricultores De La Region Oeste De Batangas, Inc. (AAROB) and First Mindanao United Sugar Planters Association, Inc.(FIMUSPAI).
The Hygiene Kit for COVID Prevention consists of essentials such as multi-vitamin syrup for children and tablets for adults, paracetamol, alcohol, disposable face masks, face shields, and info graphic flyers about COVID prevention tips in Hiligaynon and Filipino.

Conducted as a temporary replacement for the SIFI medical – dental missions which were not allowed because of restrictions set by the Philippine Task Force against COVID-19, the Sugar Industry Foundation has assisted more than 13,000 households and more than 62,000 family members since the project started when the pandemic hit in 2020.

Precautionary measures were strictly observed during the distributions to avoid the spread of the virus.